Eyetem makes it easy for neighbors to anonymously share information with each other and law enforcement in exchange for electronic rewards.

Connect with your community.
Keep your privacy.


Eyetem makes it easy for neighbors to anonymously share information with each other and law enforcement in exchange for electronic rewards. Join the conversation in your neighborhood without sacrificing your privacy, and earn rewards when you make a difference in your community.


Know what’s happening
Get notified about nearby events. Create your own events today.

Discuss what’s trending
Anonymously discuss nearby events with your neighbors.


Why share your personal information
if you don’t have to?

Some apps want your name, address, and even billing statements just to have a local conversation. With Eyetem, there is no sign-up.

Our technology makes it easy to identify comments from people nearby without intrusive verification, all while keeping your phone's identifying information where it should be.


Our technology makes it easy, safe, and rewarding to improve your community


Safe User Experience

Getting started doesn’t require giving up personal information.  And, you can select the Privacy option (Android only) in the Eyetem app to keep your communications with Eyetem’s platform completely anonymous using Tor.


Local Relevance

Without storing your GPS locations on our cloud, you can easily identify whether other Eyetem users discussing an event were nearby.


Simple Rewards

When your information makes a difference in the community, Eyetem Kudos are easy to collect as Bitcoin rewards.


Public Agencies can connect meaningfully with local residents

Private, Familiar Conversations

More than ever, app messaging is preferred over in-person conversations and phone calls, especially when people share information that may affect their privacy or safety. Eyetem provides a private, familiar way of communicating that opens up new possibilities to discuss local topics.

Simple Requests for Information

Creating a request for information about a local event is simple, and it notifies Eyetem users who may be nearby when the event occurred. It’s easy to engage with residents who want to have a conversation about what’s happening in their neighborhood.

Rewards for Helping

Public Agencies that satisfy Eyetem’s strict verification standards can send valuable Kudos electronically to Eyetem users. Eyetem users who provide information that makes a difference in their community can easily and privately use those Kudos at Amazon, MasterCard, and more. See the research and the news about how voluntary action by neighborhood residents can play an important role in improving communities.
