Eyetem app for iPhone receives perfect 5 out of 5 stars rating by MobileAppDaily

App experts are taking note of the Eyetem app and writing rave reviews.  Eyetem was recently reviewed as a Featured App in June 2022 by one of the most prominent mobile app reviewers, MobileAppDaily.  In the review, the iPhone version of Eyetem received a perfect rating of 5.0 out of 5.0 stars.  The Android version of the Eyetem app also received a stellar review of 4.5 out of 5.5 stars.  At Eyetem, we continue to focus on providing the best possible user experience for our neighbors who rely on the Eyetem app to maintain their privacy and make their communities safer.  

Here are just a few highlights from the MobileAppDaily review for Eyetem:

Most of the time, apps collect user information to sell or target ads. However, there are rare apps that actually care about user privacy. Eyetem is one such safe-to-use app.

After going through the features and functionalities of the Eyetem app for Android and iOS, it is clear that the app is an amazing initiative to make neighborhoods safer without risking user privacy or safety.

Now that word is getting out about Eyetem in places like Chicago, Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis, you should download the Eyetem app today and see what app experts are raving about.  Eyetem can help you connect with your neighbors today without having to share any of your personal information.  Give it a try and tell your neighbors, too!

Check out MobileAppDaily’s review of Eyetem on the following social media sites:

MobileAppDaily Review

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